23 August 2015

Nautilus Sculpt

Quickish sculpt I did today (around 2hrs) in Mudbox for the Daily SpitSculpt challenge group on Facebook.

I'm still working on the Warlock Town, currently putting together a painting with layers to serve as the townscreen. Going to make and render a few basic models to paint over to make sure scale and perspective is all okay. So far I've already modelled most buildings so the outstanding ones to produce are a crypt, portal, town hall/capitol.
Buildings that might/might not need modelling are tavern/hall of heroes, blacksmith, thieves guild and a maze. I also need to work out some extra buildings for warfare units, daily resources and grail structure etc.

I'm unsure of what sizes and scale to make the town at the moment as I want to make sure it fits in nicely with the rest of games town models, the open beta will be out toward the end of the week so I can check the games existing models then. Things should move along a lot quicker after that date.

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