11 April 2014


Been struggling with the model of the house so I've decided to take a break and do a Mudbox sculpt of a creature. As I did a camel last time I thought I'd try something different and make something from my imagination. I thought I'd make something avian so started with the Mudbox T-Rex model, removed its arms in Maya and bridged the gaps. I then made a wing model in Maya using this image for reference on how the wing would fold: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2005/141/4/b/Folded_Bird_Wings_by_keaalu.jpg
I was half thinking of making a more bat-like pterodactyl wing but thought a feathered wing would contrast better with the hard surface of the face.
Sculpted into the wings in Mudbox.

The wings aren't finished at the moment and need more working into

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