13 February 2014


Realised I didn't upload any in progress screenshots of the low poly Maya model of the camel and cannot find the file. I will see if I can find the file on the university computers.
Level 2 of the camel sculpt so far. I've been using this level to get the rough shapes in.

I have used reference photos of camels (front, side and skeleton) to get the shape better as my Maya model was far too wide from being made with just a front view as camels are actually much thinner than they appear from a side view.

 I had an issue earlier where the smooth tool was ineffectual even at the maximum strength, this was somewhat rectified by scaling up the model as it was very small before and using the smooth tool at the lower levels of the sculpt first.

Level 4 of the camel sculpt so far. This is the top level with more detail. At the moment it simply has more polys but I will be drawing more levels of detail onto this level soon.

I also read this simple texturing guide:
The metal specular highlights look useful and I will likely use these for if I use any textures with metal in.

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