6 May 2014

Dinobird: Membrane wings: Paint and opacity

 I had some problems with the lower and thiner parts of the wings where any paint would seep through to the other side making it difficult to get a clean look. To fix this I first tried using orient to surface with the reasoning that this would select only the side of the mesh that I wanted to paint however this didn't work as expected. After this I used flood from camera so the paint would be evenly distrubuted across the wing mesh which is the only mesh unlocked. This worked well and produced the above effect.

These are my references for membrane wings, I have used the top and bottom for projecting and reference of the top of the wings and the middle for the incandescence of under the wings.

I have also edited the colours on the top side of the wings, I'm not sure I like how this looks however so I may return them to their original colour. I have also discovered opacity layers in Mudbox which I have used to make the skin between the limbs semi-transparent. I will test this when I export the model to Maya to see how light travels through.


Here I have changed the colour back

I might try and add some holes to the wings making them look a bit more worn and aged as well as maybe some scars.

This is the current state of the membrane wings version of the model

I removed the feathers from the end of the tail as they looked strange so I flattened and smoothed the end into a point more like a lizards tail, I may add more feathers using Maya planes to both the back of the head of the dinobird and the end of the tail.

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