5 December 2016

Gecko Mage Textured

I ended up not sculpting the mesh as it would be relatively low poly so worked into and refined it in Maya. I also realised Painter wasn't as suited to hand painted textures as Mudbox so I ended up returning back again, 3D Coat may be worth looking into as an alternative?

Next I need to model the staff and cloak, texture and then start posing.

Golden Ship in Harbour

I painted this scene last month inspired by my late Granny's poetry.

2 November 2016

Stuff I've been working on recently...

I've been working on two 2D pieces, one is a mostly finished concept sketch which needs neatening up before posting on here, the other is a painterly landscape which I'll most likely be posting as finished first.

I've been wanting to make something in 3D that's more stylised for a while now and decided on this Gecko mage by Alex Braun

This is the base mesh (not yet mirrored) made in Maya
In progress sculpt
This is mostly getting there. After finishing the sculpt I'm going to make the cloak and staff. I'm then going to texture using Substance Painter this time as I really need to start moving away from Mudbox.

17 September 2016

Weapons and Frog-Snake

Been using Chaotic Shiny for a few more randomly generated things, its been helping a lot for ideas.

A few days ago I used the weapon generator to come up with weapon ideas. I might pick one of these to develop further.

Yesterday I drew this frog-snake. The description generated was:
"This diminutive, frog-like, snake-like creature makes its home in lush valleys. It lies in wait for its prey, which includes monstrous humanoids and mundane beasts. It attacks with a tail striker and projectile weapons. They lair in prides of 4-9"

12 September 2016

Feathered Equine Beast

Been often finding I have no idea what to draw/sculpt when I sit down to do some 2D/3D but found this generator (http://www.chaoticshiny.com/monstergen.php) really useful for inspiration.
The text I generated was "This enormous, feathered, equine beast dwells in mountainous areas. It stalks its prey which includes magical beasts and medium sized creatures . It attacks with piercing claws and lighting."

15 March 2016

Pokemon Fusion: Beewak

Been trying out a new painting program called Paintstorm. Its got some pretty nice features. Often find myself not too sure on what to draw so thought I'd draw a random fusion from http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/

< The original, a mixture of Beedrill and Marowak

20 February 2016

Haven't posted on here in a while, need to get back into the habit of posting regular updates.

I've been trying to get back into doing more 2D art again, I guess this is Eastenders fan art? I've been wanting to try out something more stylised and Stacey's post-partum psychosis storyline with its recurring theme of  religion and broken glass made me think it could work well in a stained glass style. Pretty happy with how this turned out

5 January 2016


Giving SculptJanuary a go, I need to make 31 different sculpts one for each day in January. I'm a little behind as I've just started on the 5th so I may not get in a sculpt for each day but I'm going to give it a try as I have a bit more time now I'm looking for work again.
This sculpt was for day 1 on the theme 'mushroom'. I made a simple base mesh in Maya, then sent it over to Mudbox for detail and texturing. Thought I'd try out something new and do completely hand painted textures for this. Fairly please with how this turned out.

10 October 2015


Haven't updated this in a while as I've got a job! I'm working for a media company called The Moment making images (mainly 3D renders) for e-learning packages.

I won't be posting as much because of this, maaaaybe I'll be able to post some of the renders of the models I've done and I'll still be working on the Warlock town mod progress will just be a lot slower than before

13 September 2015

Quick Sculpt Archibald Ironfist

Following my blogs current Heroes of Might and Magic II theme, I did a quick sculpt of Archibald for the Daily SpitSculpt groups theme 'Ironfist'

I might continue this as I'd quite like to get him fully textured and add the jackets details in.


With the Warlock Town I'm trying to give the base a more natural look as at the moment its overly rounded.

8 September 2015

WT: Forts??

Just been watching the Twitch stream for H7's modding tools and noticed forts will be included. This means I'll also need to include a fort

Slightly blurry screenshot I quickly grabbed from the stream for reference.

I'll most likely just use pieces from the finished warlock town to put the fort together

 This will most likely be the final layout for the town though parts of the castle may be moved about still. Need to get the first and second stages next

1 September 2015

WTS: Mini Update

I've adjusted the wall size and added the start of a slope, moved the small building/tower to outside the walls, added a new flat topped spire and a bridge (not too visible in this screenshot sorry!)

At the moment I'm mostly trying to get all the components for a full sized town which I can then scale down using the same pieces

30 August 2015

WT: Update

Done some more to the warlock town, added the small tower/building within the castle walls, remade the towers as my previous ones had a really strange poly which couldn't be bevelled or deleted and it was easier to just make a new tower (Maya 2016 bug I guess??). Fixed some issues with the walls and created an archway. Might make them thicker to seem more robust. Also made a base, though it looks more cliff like here I'm thinking of going for a hill to set it more apart from the existing Haven town.

Some buildings might not be a part of the final model, I'd like to keep the dragon tower and mage guild as I think both incorporate well. I think there needs to be less space behind the wall so the castle should take up more room and have more components

 For the painted townscreen I'm thinking I will leave that till latter as it isn't overly necessary as I could always use Heroes II's Warlock screen as a placeholder if needed while I work on my own one. Also it requires finishing the castle model and making a few extras to render and paint over. Once I've got the castle completed the rest should come together quicker.

27 August 2015

WT: Research

The Heroes 7 beta has started so I've done some research on the town buildings. Seems that there are three versions of each town. I've got some screenshots of the Haven and Academy towns as I think these are the closest in look/theme to my town though I might also take some screenshots of the Dungeon town.

Academy: 1

Haven: 1.

I now know I need to model a base for the town to sit on, this will likely be some kind of hill/mound. I have a better idea now of what I need to make and the kind of style it should be in.

I also need to think about the town screen. I've realised that this will probably require more work than I originally anticipated it would.

Town tree for Academy:
I'm going to need to work out which buildings I can only get one or the other of.

25 August 2015

Scramasax Render

Thought I'd finish this model off while I wait for the beta. Bevelled some of the edges of the blade so they weren't as blocky and added a specular map then rendered in keyshot.

Normal and Specular maps:

Planning to put this into Skyrim at some point so there may be another update on this.