25 July 2014

Vulture Skull: Done. Market Tent Update

Removed paint detailing to show wireframe better

Done, once I've got dDo working properly I'll put this in to get a more authentic metal effect.

Adjusted the size and height of the tent and added smoothing groups to the fabric parts.

21 July 2014

Dinobird 2?


Came across this and thought it looked really cool, reminds me a bit of Monster Hunter. I've been thinking about giving modelling wings and feathers another go but using planes to get a better layered effect. I won't be making this anytime soon as I need to finish my current projects and will also be doing another environment after that.

14 July 2014

Warlock Town: Buildings So Far...

Current project at the moment is recreating the Warlock town screen from Heroes of Might and Magic II a game which holds a lot of nostalgia for me. Majority of objects will be built in Maya however some things like the nest, gargoyle and statue will be sculpted
Dragon Tower, aside from maybe a small amount of tweaking I think this is mostly done ready for texturing, might bevel some edges so they aren't as harsh
Modular castle turret part, at the moment its not very refined at all. I will most likely bevel the corners of the turret holes to make them appear less square

Mage guild, quite pleased with this might add some beams to the roof, like the dragon tower this is pretty much there.

Marketplace tent, not entirely sure about the dimensions looks too tall at the moment

11 July 2014

Update: Quick Sculpt & Bird Skull

 Quick sculpt of a weird fish man I did a while ago. Was going for a goldfish look with the big cheeks and floaty fins, may come back to this at a later stage to add final details and texturing.

Been asked to produce a bird skull to act as decoration for Contained
Loosely based the shape on this vulture skull but included influences from other bird skulls.
Base Maya model
Sculpted detail in Mudbox
 From here I now just need to unwrap the UV's, paint and retopologise. I'm planning to use this model to get to grips with implementing level of detail so I should by the end have at least two variants