14 May 2012

South Park Animation Thing

(Sorry about the bad quality, might reupload)
In 3DS Max we traced over the outline of the different character parts with the line tool then extruded slightly and added mapping using UVW maps and the gizmo setting. Extra parts like blinking eyes and different mouth shapes were also added and mapped. To animate the characters to the 'Hey Chef' sound clip I added the clip to the dope sheet and added a visibility channel to the different eye and mouth shapes to get the effect of blinking and to get the characters to appear like they're talking. To do this I selected both shapes then had it so that when one is in use the other is invisible. Because the character based on myself has long hair and glasses it was very difficult to animate since they both cover the eyes and the hair goes over the shoulders. If I did this again I would maybe have the glasses and hair as a separate object attached to the head and saved the clothes before adding hair.

3DS Max Figure

Basic 3D model of a male figure. I got the basic shapes by using cylinders for the head, arm, leg and torso and lining them up to the reference image, adjusting the vertexes to match the shape. For the head I added more vertexes so that it would retain its shape more when turbo smoothed. When finished I deleted sections from the torso and the arm, leg and head so that they could be bridged to the body so it would be just one object. After this I mirrored the object so it had two arms and legs, then applied a turbo smooth.

Creepy Rabbit

Concept for a creepy rabbit. I started out by sketching out the basic form of the rabbits skeleton because I wasn't sure how I was going to approach this and was thinking of making it somewhat skeletal at the time. I made the legs longer to make it seem weird and unnatural, and also stretched out the tail though this has made it look slightly kangaroo-like. I decided against the tail and used a more familiar rabbit like tail so that it was more obvious its supposed to be a rabbit. I added shape to the bone structure and then added shading on another layer and details like the eye, teeth, spine and claws on another. I then added a colour layer making the rabbit brown with a white tail, then added small amounts of green in areas to give it a mutated, diseased like feel. I also coloured the eye red like an albino rabbit. On top of this I added a fur texture and then added tufts of fur using a small semi-transparent brush in areas to give a moth-eaten effect and to make the texture blend in better.