5 December 2012

Dragon: WIPs + Final

Started off using the grab tool to work out where the head, wings and tail would go

Added legs and fleshed out the wings, adjusted the head and neck. Body is a little bit small
Made the front legs/arms longer and added details like claws, added a tail and added detail to the face.
Added some extra scaley stuff on the legs, face, tail, body and wings.
Attempted to paint it in Sculptris but the program ended up grinding to a halt so decided to leave as is. I'm pretty happy with this, not sure about the tail as it's a little horseish/leafish but I didn't want to go with the typical spiked tail and wanted to think how it might be used when flying maybe even swimming, as a kind of third wing which could help it steer better and balance itself in flight, or use to swim fast in the water. I think I could of got this concept across better though either through the pose of the dragon or by using a more wing like design

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