Some scrappy horrible sketches, was thinking of basing it off a basic shape and then streamlining it as its a style often used for futuristic designs. I ended up combining a few of these as I didn't like any of them in particular
Was thinking about making a space trawler type ship, which picks up asteroids, debris etc. Doesn't seem to work all that well especially the net, the bad sketch doesn't help. Will try to fix the problems with the 3D model and ignore the net.
Forming it out of a box (divisions were added in strange places for some reason)
Formed the basic shape
(Angle isn't very good
Added more shape and directional lighting. Decided against adding the net thing as it made no sense. More of a small exploration type ship
Side view
Made a new model with less distortion and better topology (don't have screenshots of early stages, followed similar process starting with a box but divisions weren't added weirdly and used extrude more than in the previous model)
Used bevel and extrude for where thrusters would go
Applied a greyscale metalic texture over the entire ship added a laser under each wing, added flaps to the wing thrusters and fixed some messed up geometry
Lit Renders
Painted over both the front and back renders. Pretty happy with this aside from some of the shading at the back which doesn't make a huge amount of sense, couldn't get the perspective right with the front window either which I think has let this down quite a bit.
Used bevel and extrude for where thrusters would go
Applied a greyscale metalic texture over the entire ship added a laser under each wing, added flaps to the wing thrusters and fixed some messed up geometry
Lit Renders
Painted over both the front and back renders. Pretty happy with this aside from some of the shading at the back which doesn't make a huge amount of sense, couldn't get the perspective right with the front window either which I think has let this down quite a bit.