12 December 2012

Sci-fi Ship


 Some scrappy horrible sketches, was thinking of basing it off a basic shape and then streamlining it as its a style often used for futuristic designs. I ended up combining a few of these as I didn't like any of them in particular
Was thinking about making a space trawler type ship, which picks up asteroids, debris etc. Doesn't seem to work all that well especially the net, the bad sketch doesn't help. Will try to fix the problems with the 3D model and ignore the net.

Forming it out of a box (divisions were added in strange places for some reason)

Formed the basic shape
(Angle isn't very good
Added more shape and directional lighting. Decided against adding the net thing as it made no sense. More of a small exploration type ship
Side view

 Made a new model with less distortion and better topology (don't have screenshots of early stages, followed similar process starting with a box but divisions weren't added weirdly and used extrude more than in the previous model)
Used bevel and extrude for where thrusters would go

 Applied a greyscale metalic texture over the entire ship added a laser under each wing, added flaps to the wing thrusters and fixed some messed up geometry

Lit Renders

 Painted over both the front and back renders. Pretty happy with this aside from some of the shading at the back which doesn't make a huge amount of sense, couldn't get the perspective right with the front window either which I think has let this down quite a bit.

5 December 2012

Dragon: WIPs + Final

Started off using the grab tool to work out where the head, wings and tail would go

Added legs and fleshed out the wings, adjusted the head and neck. Body is a little bit small
Made the front legs/arms longer and added details like claws, added a tail and added detail to the face.
Added some extra scaley stuff on the legs, face, tail, body and wings.
Attempted to paint it in Sculptris but the program ended up grinding to a halt so decided to leave as is. I'm pretty happy with this, not sure about the tail as it's a little horseish/leafish but I didn't want to go with the typical spiked tail and wanted to think how it might be used when flying maybe even swimming, as a kind of third wing which could help it steer better and balance itself in flight, or use to swim fast in the water. I think I could of got this concept across better though either through the pose of the dragon or by using a more wing like design

4 December 2012

Dragon: Sketches

Wanted to draw some basic types of dragons before deciding what type I'll make using Sculptris. None of these came out well and look a little odd, I prefer the one on the bottom right though.

28 November 2012

Christmas Assignment: Final

Based off Katamari, starting to think I should of given Santa a katamari cylinder head after all and added some rainbows or something so that its more obvious.
Added a head cylinder and changed his face to be more katamari-ish. Looks a little drab and dull, would of been better if I added more colour and things going on in this.

Christmas Assignment: Sketches/Ideas

Took a while to think of any ideas. Did the scribbly sketch first then later came up with the wizard and katamari based ideas. Might use the katamari idea but have a typical santa pushing it.

14 November 2012

Plane Crash: Day + Night

Mostly finished, ideally I would of had an extra layer showing more detail and some texturing on the buildings and floor. I found it difficult to add more to this because I merged layers to create the night scene and meant to save it as a separate file but accidently clicked 'save' instead of 'save as' making it very difficult to then edit the day scene. The plane has hit a building while attempting to crash land, the sole survivor is observing the scene from the safety of a raised ledge while waiting for help. I tried using a linear dodge layer for the flames which has worked pretty well. I hate how the windows came out, especially the day version, I wanted to create a reflective effect but it didn't work. Looking at the two side by side makes me realise the lighting of the two are quite similar, the day version could do with being a bit brighter so the two are more visibly different.

12 November 2012

Plane Crash: WIP

Need to sort out the right side of the picture, might change characters positioning/scale/pose, add detail and colour.

7 November 2012

Plane Crash: Sketches, Renders

Sketches of 747 planes. Wanted to get sketches of different angles. The bottom sketch was an attempt at showing the plane as cylinders etc so it might become easier to draw. Top left is a view of under the plane.. Top right is a downward side view.

     Renders of different angles of a crash scene modelled in Maya. I will probably use the first or last render.

6 November 2012

Perspective Boxman

Using perspective lines I copied a 3D block model using the perspective lines as reference

31 October 2012

Halloween: Final - Ghost

Would of liked to spend more time on the shading and include a background but I ran out of time. The clothes and hair are meant to look like flames, I think this worked well with the hair but not so well with the skirt-thing.
Its been pointed out that the pose is similar to one of the images in my moodboard. I can see the similarities between the two but this wasn't intentional and I didn't even realise until it was pointed out. I actually originally had the lower body coming from the right of the page but the silhouette didn't read well so I changed it to come from the left instead thinking nothing of it.

28 October 2012

Halloween: Sketches

Drew some different types of ghosts. Third one is meant to be like an upside down flame with a face, might of worked better if it was like a regular flame. Second one is a typical wispy looking ghost with chains, I think this one looks the best out of the three as its the most easily recognisable. First is based on the orb ghosts in photographs but with a skull like face.

25 October 2012

Halloween: Moodboard

Moodboard of Halloween related or creepy things
Second moodboard

24 October 2012

Tree: Final

Decided against the underwater theme half way through as it wasn't tree-like enough and didn't make much sense. The bendy looking branch was meant to be a dying branch but it doesn't look right. 

 Wanted to try and do a better version of this as my previous attempt was extremely rushed and I changed my idea halfway through. I used a mangrove tree I made for use in the group game project as a base and did a render of it. Looking back I probably should of removed the planes with the leaf textures on so I could of painted new leaves instead of painting over the ones I had

Final: Added the sky using a gradient and a cloud brush, then adjusted the levels, added a base brownish colour to the plane and then used a rock brush to paint over everything which I then used a perspective transform on to give a sense of depth. I added some more leaves and added shadows and lowlights to these I also painted the bottom of the tree to look more like roots and as if its in the ground. I added some extra foliage in the background using brushes and added extra shadows and highlights to the trunk. After this I added a shadow using a brush, the outline of the shadow looks too harsh though so I should of used the burn tool as this would of given a softer more realistic effect. Finally I used selective colour filter to adjust the colours then used dodge and burn on the ground to get a more varied appearance. I was intending on making a swamp scene but ended up with a scrub/savannah instead.

20 October 2012

Trees: Sketches

Three sketches of different types of trees including reference images

Main idea. Unsure whether to use one type of seaweed as the leaves or multiple so I used three types on different parts of the tree so I can get an idea of what it'd look like for a mixture or just one type.  Sketched out different types of seaweed for ideas and to get more used to drawing it.

18 October 2012

Trees: Moodboards

Tree moodboards, combination of existing trees and concept art of trees.

Moodboard of coral reefs, as I'm thinking about basing my tree off of coral structures.

17 October 2012

Surreal: Final

Decided to go with the giraffe tower from my sketches but made it more building like, not happy with how this turned out, ended up rushing a lot of it. Lightning on the left looks strange, shoukld of kept the same as the lightning on the right and would of liked to make the girafe-tower stick out more visually, adding more landscape to this could of made it better