30 June 2015

Portfolio update, box update

Updated my portfolio today tried to tie it in more with my CV so there's a uniform look and replaced the text links to image links. Links to my CV and blog are now at the top of the page which makes more sense. Updated and returned the 'about' section, added a contact form as well as a freelancer.com button. Now I need to get some new cool 3D stuff done to add to the portfolio.

The host of the box contest updated their information with an image of the actual box and feedback so I've updated my entry to look more like it. Seem to be one of the first to update so I might have a better chance now.

29 June 2015

Lots of Boxes

Been trying to get into freelancing recently. Made an account on freelancer.com a while ago and have been bidding on projects there. No success so far but hopefully I'll win a bid soon.

Today a bid required an example of a 3D products packaging to have a chance at winning the bid so I made a quick example.

I found this old Kellogs cereal box online and used that for my UV's and texturing

Later I found a contest making packaging for an product and rendering it so I also entered that.
 This was the provided image, I made two versions one with the bar code on the bottom of the box and another with it on the front.