Didn't enter the competition in the end as I wouldn't of had enough time to get it to a high standard while also working on 11 Days at the same time.
Anyway back to the warlock town...
List for what I need to still model and components for the warlock town

Castle (Modular spires, walls, drawbridge)
Mages Guild
Marketplace Tent incl. crates, items for sale - fruit & resources, wheelbarrow
Centaur cave (Torches, will probably sculpt the rock, moss/grass. Unsure about waterfall for now, will get to that once it's all in engine)
Dungeon (Door, steps, pillars/porch)
Maze (Entrance, outer wall, inside modular hedge pieces)
Gargoyle crypt (Crypt and sculpted gargoyle)
Griffin nest
Dragon tower
Tavern and thieves guild. May add more buildings in a similar style around these buildings to give more sense of a town feel?
Swamp (trees and mist effect, might use animating planes for this?)
Statue (base stand, warlock statue)
Shipyard (modular planks and posts, barrels)
Distance: Sculpted modular rock formations
Etc: Trees, rocks, grass, extra decoration to add a bit of life